Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Idaho State Journal Article On Bullying

The article in the Idaho State Journal came out today. It was front page and a really, rather large picture of my really, rather good looking boy. I didn't even know it was out until i got the 1st phone call. TS' soccer coach from last season called to say that her daughter went through the same thing and she now home schools her. then the mother of a girl that has been in TS' class before called to say that they are going through it too. she also told me that there was a comment section on the ISJ web site where you could comment on an article and someone, conveniently named "anonymous" had said that her kids said TS was a bully.... OH NO SHE DITN'T!!!!!

so i did something i never do cause it's dumb and i got into an internet pissing contest with an unknown person. she accused my son of being a turd and that just wasn't going to happen. (i wish like hell i could give you the link to it, but the journal has changed the site and it's gone and i'm a dummy for not saving it.) i pointed out that none of the parents of students at Syringa school know me well enough to claim that i don't spend enough time with my kids, so she really didn't know what she was speaking about... ENTER JEFRI!!!!! i had posted a link to the page with his picture on myspace and good old Jef went to take a look. she saw what "anonymous" had said about me and mine... she didn't like it. (we grew up together and even after all these years she's still got my back.... love you Jef!) so she SCHOOLS this lady and "anonymous" ends up lookin like a straight up tard!

i got so many phone calls today that said so many wonderful things. this is not something that i do. i let stuff go... it's why G and i have been married so long. but when something is broken at a school.... i mean, that's our kids! it has to be fixed! i love my son. he's smart, gorgeous, kind, and has infinite possibilities for his life. (hope y'all are ready for a time machine cause he's pretty sure he's gonna build one) i could not sit by and let poorly disciplined children and an apathetic principal start his life on a path that could lead to self destruction. he's better than that. God gave him to me at a time in my life when i was headed for that same destruction. he is divine intervention at its blond haired, green eyed best. a gift. a message from the Almighty himself, "YOU CAN BE A BETTER PERSON THAN YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. HE WILL HELP YOU BECOME THE PERSON YOU ARE MEANT TO BE. HE IS ONE OF MY FINEST, MY STRONGEST, AND NOW HE IS YOURS. LOVE HIM AND HE WILL SAVE YOU!" how do you ignore that?

i had to scan the article so here are the photobucket links

Front Page



KT said...

Ky, I just have to say, good for you!

Sam was the SRO (school resource officer) for the first few months of school here as they officers are rotating through the school for the year. There were multiple instances of kids being hurt and/or threatened that Sam found out about by the PARENTS and not from the school (I'm just talking about the elementary here). That is against their own policy! And, when Sam tried to talk to the principal about it, he dodged Sam for weeks!

That is one of many reasons why I am considering homeschooling or sending my kids to the Montessori school here.

The only thing that gives my empathy for crappy school administrators is the fact that they are dealing with so many of these situations because parents don't teach their kids kindness, charity or even how to just not act like friggin' animals. There are a lot of parent who just phone it in nowadays and that truly is where the problem begins and should end.

Either way, good for you for going all mama bear and protecting your kid! (And other people's kids too)

Brandon and Brianne said...

I think what you did for your son was courageous! You are a strong woman and I know he will always be grateful to his mom for really being there for him! I'm sure many other children and parents are grateful as well! way to be! Love you!

kiley said...

have you looked at the Idaho Virtual Academy? they have a GREAT program! it's free, they send you a PC, pay for your internet, send you paints, clay, software, and have social events every month. www.k12.com

i had applied for k12 but TS through a fit when i told him we might do home school.

i know educator have a tough job (so do the SROs... our guy is always running all over town) but if they start kicking kids out of school and parents have to shop around and be inconvenienced to get their kids to a new school maybe they will pay more attention to their parenting. seriously, some of these kids... future criminals.